Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Believe it or not, these pictures were taken THREE days ago! Yes, it was warm enough to swim... well, at least the kids thought so. (The pool was a bit chilly for me!) We could hardly believe there was rain in the forecast. But, alas...

Today it came! And, the girls LOVED it. And, I LOVED it! They came downstairs all dressed in warm clothes once again, and immediately asked to go outside. Wet clothes = wet floors... sigh... "Sure, you can go outside!"

The girls tromped around for a good 20 minutes, and then decided they needed to warm-up. What better way to enjoy this rainy day than our first hot chocolate of the season?

Sierra did great with her first-ever hot chocolate!

One of the reasons I love homeschooling is rainy days. We didn't have to rush out of the house; we put on our cozy slippers and jumped right into school after our jaunt outside and hot chocolate warm-up. Both girls sat on my lap to do their reading, and I just held them tight, looking outside, so thankful for this time.

We also studied a little about underwater creatures for our science exploration, and then I had the girls do an art project about the sea star and sea urchin. They had to figure out themselves how to give the creatures texture. They chose salt for the sea star and toothpicks for the urchin. I was so impressed! Happy rainy day!

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