Saturday, November 5, 2011

Around the House...

Many days, just walking around the house I find things that make me laugh.



Of course, I wish there were only "pleasant" or "funny" surprises around the house. Every mom knows that a house with little ones means a house with messes! (Especially a homeschooling house with a 2-year-old... ehem, Sierra!)

But, when I went in the bathroom the other day and found the bear on the little potty, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I realized, as I laughed a deep, fun laugh, that I don't do that enough. Sometimes I get into "Mommy mode," and simply block out the funny to show that I'm serious. Or, I offer a little giggle. Not this time!! My girls heard me laughing, and joined right-in. We had a great laugh together!

It was a little lesson for me. I realized that I really don't let go often enough. And, I decided I am going to make a conscious effort to laugh more, and harder, and deeper with my girls. I am going to try to look for the funny, rather than jump into "Mommy mode." My Grandma is like this. She is 96 years old, and on her last leg. But, she still laughs... and is remembered for her laugh! I want to be like her. I want my girls to remember the joy in me -- not the one who wants the house to be clean above all else. It's good to laugh!

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