Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's A...

... BOY! Did I tell you we were having a boy? Well, it was suppose to be a surprise; for all of us! Unfortunately, the technician blew-it. She made it quite obvious. "Wow, look at that! Are you sure you don't want to know? Look at his ** um ** it's leg!"

Yes, she blew it! But, we still waited 7 more weeks (in torture) before we decided to find out for sure. The second technician confirmed it. "Yup -- there's the turtle!" To be honest, it's been so much fun to think of my son. I'm loving telling one person at a time the exciting news and seeing their reaction.

When I told my sweet friends Kelly and Tricia the fun news, I was offered a little boy shower. I can't think of 2 more creative, generous, and prayerful friends... truly, they should be professional party planners! I did feel a little funny saying yes; after all, it's my 4th baby! But, I am so glad I did... these ladies blessed my socks off!

Here I am with my sweet friends:

It was a beautiful breakfast with fun, original games, awesome food, and a wonderful devotion/ prayer time. The theme was "trains;" both for little boys, as well as "train up your child in the way he should go..." from Proverbs 22:7. (I told you they are super creative!)

My favorite game was "Boy mom in training." I was asked questions such as "Name as many 'Cars' and 'Thomas the Train' figures as you can." -Or- "Scenario: you're playing and your son shoots you -- give your best dramatic death." Hilarious! So creative! (This girl mom didn't do so well!)

As I mentioned before, we also had a wonderful prayer/ devotion time. God filled my love-tank big time! I feel so refreshed -- and that perhaps I can do this! I am one blessed Mommy! A huge thank-you to ALL my wonderful friends!

Speaking of thank-you's... time for me to go write some cards!!

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