Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hello Kitty Bubble Gum Party

I love, love, love that my girls pick a theme several months before their birthday, (often 11 months!) and stick to it. It makes the prep work that much easier! This year Natalie chose a Hello Kitty Bubble Gum theme for her 5th birthday. Since Hello Kitty is everywhere these days, (and since we have a lot of HK stuff ourselves), I was in luck! We even have Hello Kitty Christmas lights my dearest friend Glory gave us years ago... how perfect is that?

Below is one of my favorite finds: HK ornaments that came in a 5-pack in the dollar section at Target!

In addition to knowing the theme super early, I also attribute all of my party success to the most wonderful, helpful husband in the world! He took the girls to church that morning giving me 2 hours to clean-up uninterrupted so they could learn about Jesus! And, he made nearly 40 Hello Kitty pannini sandwiches for lunch!

We had 2 crafts:
  1. I used my Cricut to cut-out HK santas and made them into ornaments for the girls to decorate.
  2. I found a "How to draw HK" tutorial and printed it up for the kids to try.

Sierra was a little shy at first... good thing for sweet friends to help take care of her!

The sandwiches turned out soooo cute... (Great job, Honey!)

For games, we played a little game I made-up using an old bubblegum rhyme I learned as a kid... it was similar to hot potato, but the kids got a prize for going out so they wouldn't be upset about it. :)

Of course, after the balloon game came the real balloon fun... kids just going wild!

We also played pin the bubble gum on the bubble gum machine.

"Let's get serious now," says Sierra!

The kids were so good while Natalie opened her presents. Natalie sat on the birthday chair while the kids took turns bringing her their presents. I was proud of all the kids at how well-behaved they were! And, Natalie was blessed with a lot of fun stuff!

Once again, we had "Tata" make the cake. There are no words... she is uh-mazing! Natalie even thought the top was a doll; nope! ALL cake! I feel truly blessed and humbled that my friend would do that for us. Natalie was beyond thrilled.

It was a fun day! Little Malachi slept through most of it, but woke up just in time to ask...

..."Is it over, already?"


  1. What a fun party! You are an amazing Momma, Cara! A newborn and an awesome party. I don't know how you do it. Natalie is one lucky girl! Happy 5th birthday, Girlie!

  2. Oh how I can't wait to be able to throw a GIRL birthday party!!! Great job mama, looks like it was fun!
    BTW-I figured out how to add a comment! Right click on the comments thing and choose "open in new window". Tell your mom! :)

  3. hi, came across your blog because we are throwing a Hello Kitty party for our daughter. Where did you get those pink and white cookie straws (forgot the real name for them)? I would love to get some if possible. Thanks.

  4. Just saw your comment, Kevin... sorry for the late reply! We got them at 99 Ranch Market; an Asian supermarket. Hope that helps!
