Friday, December 2, 2011

Malachi Asher Yeh

November 28, 2011. Arrived at San Antonio Community Hospital for my 4th and final c-section.

As always, I was nervous, yet excited. More excited than nervous, as I allowed my Bible verses to flow through my head over and over and as curiosity had the best of me... what would he look like? Would he be healthy? Was it really a boy?

I prayed he would cry loud and hard. That was my security, knowing he was ok. I remember not hearing much with my first three... God answered my prayer!

Malachi: God's messenger
Asher: Happy, blessed

Oh, the joy!! Welcome, Malachi Asher Yeh. 12:50pm, 8 lbs. 7 oz. 19 in. Even in the OR, the doctors jokingly asked if he was really mine. :) My OB, who delivered all 4, told us we made one model!

The first day was quite busy. I was so excited to have my girls and parents come meet our little man. And, I was really excited to see my husband hold his son!

Each girl was so precious holding Malachi. None of them wanted to give him up for her sister! But, I was especially surprised to see how grown-up Sierra seemed, and how much she loved (and still loves) holding him. "Hold it, hold it." So, so sweet.

Day 2: Back for more hugs and kisses!

Are they really all mine? Four precious blessings, all at such fun stages. Exhausting? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely!

Day 3: Back again. They just couldn't stay away from their little brother. (I like to pretend they missed me, too!)

Going home...

Day 4: Here he is at home!

Still being held...

Still getting kisses...

Still melting our hearts!
Thanks to all my sweet friends and family for all your love, support, and help. It is so tough on me to not be able to hold my girls, much less walk very much. I am so grateful for all the love and care I am receiving. We are so blessed!


  1. Welcome home!!! I've been eagerly anticipating this post! I'm so glad to hear, and see, that you and baby Malachi are doing well. Congratulations - I can't wait to bring dinner and meet him. (I may not wait and call on you next week!) :)

  2. Congratulations, Cara and Daniel and girls!!!!! So precious!! He will have lots of loving arms to care for him.

  3. So SO beautiful! Sending lots of love to you all!

  4. how wonderful! Glad both baby and mama are healthy. And how wonderful to get so many hugs and kisses from three adoring fans :)
    Many blessings to you.

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"
