Friday, January 13, 2012

Absolutely Nothing

Where do I begin? I wish I could say my lack of blogging was due to exercising... but my doctor told me I had to wait 8 weeks. So, I'm continuing to feast on junk, totally unmotivated to eat healthy until I begin jogging again.

I wish I could say I've been working on my next craft project... but I haven't.

have been home schooling... but nothing too exciting there.

The reason I haven't been blogging is simply that I've had zero energy. I had a nasty cold/ sinus infection that is finally starting to lift. I've been taking some pictures and "blogging" in my head; but my brain has felt too tired to actually sit down and blog.

Thankfully, I turned a corner today. You know how you don't realize how yucky you felt until you finally start to feel better? Yeah. That's me today.

Tomorrow my husband is taking the girls to Knott's Berry Farm... again! I have a dentist appointment, but other than that I am praying my little man will cooperate and allow me to get some things accomplished. Do I...
  • organize my mess of a closet?
  • work on the upstairs bookshelves?
  • work on the downstairs built-ins?
  • sew some pillows from the fabric I just bought?
  • work on a painting I've had in my head?
  • catch-up on blogging?
So many possibilities. I'll let you know! (Just keep me off of Pinterest!) :)

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