Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy 8th Anniversary!

It's a good thing we have a blog... every year we have to go back and check what we did on our previous anniversary! (Pathetic, I know!) But, we had a wonderful anniversary yesterday! After school, Daniel watched the kiddos which allowed me to go on my first post-baby run! The weather was perfect, which was my only motivation to keep going out there. (Ok, so going out to eat and having an anniversary dessert was also a bit motivating!) I went a couple miles, and was definitely inspired to try to get healthy, again. This extra 15 pounds feels awful! But, I am trying oh so hard to be patient and ok with it for the time being.

After my run, I showered and got ready for the babysitter to arrive! The girls were so excited, and did great for our sweet Emily! I got to spend my anniversary with both my men. Despite not sleeping, Malachi did great. No fussing! So, we enjoyed a yummy dinner at Harvard Square in Claremont.

After dinner, we did a little shopping and found some great deals before heading home. Once we got home, Malachi finally went to sleep and slept almost 7 straight hours for us. I think that was God's anniversary gift to us!

Truly, I feel so blessed to have this man in my life. I could go on and on, but I will save that for him.

Happy anniversary, Daniel!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Glad you enjoyed a night out. And good job getting out there to run. Don't worry, I know those pounds will pour off soon!
