Sunday, January 29, 2012

See This?

See this mess?

My hubby bought a plum and a peach tree to add to our orchard. I can't wait for fresh summer fruit, (though it will probably take a few years!)

See this boy?

He is 2 months old, as of yesterday. Isn't his smile the most precious thing? He's got a bunch of them for me every morning. And, he's been sleeping 12 hours at night, waking up only once to feed for about 10 minutes. Oh, how I hope this continues for a while!

See this iced coffee?

I saw that the Pioneer Woman put her coffee in a glass jar, and it looked so refreshing I just had to do it, too. And, you know what? It does taste better that way! :)

See these Vietnamese meatballs?

It's one of my favorite recipes. (I posted the recipe almost 3 years ago... you can find it here). Anyway, you have to refrigerate them to firm them up before grilling, and I felt so clever to use an egg carton that I had to take a picture!

See these girls?

(Well, you can see one of them!) They still entertain themselves for hours with crafts. Today they found some scratch paper and played "math school" while painting the squares with numbers. I absolutely love listening to the creative things they come up with! I also love when the weather is so beautiful that they can do their thing outside.

See these blossoms?

Yes, spring is in the air... even though it is the middle of winter! The weather can't seem to make-up its mind; sunny, warm, hot, cold, windy, rainy... but I'm ok with that, because I can't make-up my mind, either! One day I can wear jeans and a sweatshirt, and the next day shorts and a t-shirt; it keeps life interesting!

See these two?

No words... just smiles!

See this poor thing?

I have never seen a nose run so much. Makes me thankful it's just a cold and it, too, shall pass!

See these boards?

They are a hint as to my next project! I finally got them power washed, and am ready for the next step. Stay tuned...

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