Saturday, March 31, 2012

Plant Day

Thursday we finally had the opportunity to join some of our homeschooling friends for "plant day." As always, I think I learned as much as the girls! Despite holding Malachi the whole time, I couldn't resist taking pictures of all the fun my friend planned. (The pictures may not be the best, but at least I didn't drop him!)

We learned the parts of the flower, then cut out each part and made one ourselves...

We were each given a flower to dissect.

... And a flower "lab" worksheet to go along with our dissected flowers!

And, of course, we planted some seeds. I hope we don't neglect them - I love me some sugar snap peas!

The kids waited patiently for their snack. Miss Kerri is so clever; we ate every part of a plant! Can you guess what each part is? (i.e. carrots are roots!) OF course, we had some fun worms in mud, as well!

We got home, and Natalie went right outside with a bunch of books.
Me: "Natalie, what are you doing?"
Natalie: "I need to read to my plants."
Me: Book it to the car to grab the camera!

And, look who followed suit:


  1. I love what a great support group of friends you have that homeschool. So very blessed! Cute pictures!

  2. As always – Can I be you? :-) Your kids are so blessed!!
