Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Some School Stuff

Does life ever slow down? I think not. Whew! One day at a time, just one day at a time...
Right now, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am getting really excited about summer break! Really, the kids enjoy school and the routine. They are too young to be counting down to summer. But, (don't tell them this), I am ready for a break!
Mostly, I just want to re-organize some things. Something about spring that makes you want a fresh start, right? But, time is flying by -- somehow it's mid-March, already! Here's a few things we've been doing:

Riding our "horses" around the obstacle course throughout our downstairs.

Making spring flowers out of coffee filters. You just stack 4 filters and cut out circles. Cut slats across the radius of the circle, stopping just before the center, then tie them together using a piece of yarn. Pull apart the petals and paint the tips with watercolors. Very simple and very pretty!

Making "fireworks" by filling a bowl with 1/3 cup milk, then adding 3 drops of food coloring around the edges, and finally dripping liquid soap to the center to watch the colors swirl and mix.

Learning how our sense of smell affects our taste by sniffing various items such as vanilla and mint and then eating an apple.

Designing a shirt, then writing qualities from our Colossians Bible verse inside our hearts!

All these ideas are from our curriculum, "Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory." As with any curriculum, there is good and bad, but our girls have really seemed to enjoy this curriculum despite some shortcomings I see. You can check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. I keep hearing about this curriculum! Gonna check it out at the convention for sure :) I love all the hands on learning you do with your little ones and please tell me you were riding horses too :) SO FUN!
