Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Tradition

We have a pretty regular morning routine:
jog to the park
come home and make smoothies
play in Mom's room while she showers
A very simple routine, really. However, on Saturdays we have one deviation: GARAGE SALES! Before our jog to the park, I make sure to throw several quarters in the stroller. Then we're off... we follow the signs, and hit as many as we can before the girls are ready for the park. I think we broke our record today: 9 garage sales! For just $1.50, I got 6 kids books, a Hello Kitty surfer doll, and a Disney Princess "cape." (Ok, so it wasn't a cape, it was a mini tree skirt, but Allison doesn't know the difference!) But, wait... it gets better! I often find change on the ground when I jog, and today was a lucky day; 1 quarter, 3 dimes, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies! That means I really only spent $0.88! Gosh, I love bargains!
Some of my other favorite finds include a sit 'n spin for $0.85, 2 Hello Kitty purses for $0.25, and an adorable dress for Natalie that I splurged on at $1! Oh, and of course, the $35 double jogging stroller which has allowed me to start this tradition! I wish I could say every Saturday was as fruitful, but there is a lot of junk out there! We once hit 7 garage sales and came home with nothing. In fact, we often come home empty-handed, but I think the girls enjoy searching for the garage sales as much as finding "treasures."
I have found one additional benefit to this fun Saturday tradition... I have lost 5 pounds since January, and can finally say I am at my pre-pregnancy weight. Woohoo! (9 months to put it on, and 18 months of jogging to garage sales to take it off... somehow that doesn't seem fair!) But, I made it! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally loving your blog, Cara! I check it every day and it is so much fun to read! Wish I could go garage saling with you. Kudos on the pre-pregnancy weight!!! Yay!! (Time for another one??? ;)

    Love ya,
