Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fabulous Free Day!

Sorry I've been absent for so many days... We've been busy, busy, busy! Our awesome Minnesota/ Wisconsin trip is only 4 days away. Woohoo!

Anyway, today was an awesome day and a tough day. I'm over the tough stuff, so let me share with you all the awesome parts! I'm counting my blessings! Count along with me :)

  1. This morning, after my haircut, I was walking out the door when the receptionist asked me if I'd like a free 15 minute massage. (Um... let me think about it; YES!)I was then led back to a cozy room, laid on a warmed bed with soft music and given the most awesome massage. It was sweet!

  2. I then headed, (without my kids), to do a little Christmas/vacation shopping when it occured to me that I had a coupon for a free drink at Starbucks. So, I stopped by there on the way!

  3. I went to a baby shower... what woman doesn't love to hang out with girlfriends, play games, ooh and aww at baby girl clothes, and eat chocolate?

4. I came home, checked the mail, and got my first free issue of Good Housekeeping. (I won a free year subscription a while back).

    5. Our wonderful, incredible neighbors brought us chocolate chip cookies. We sort of have an unwritten neighbor law; whenever one of us bakes cookies, we have to share with neighbors.
    6. I saved the best for last. Are you ready? Tonight a close friend and I drove 20 miles east to a church service in Redlands to hear my all-time favorite SARA GROVES give a free mini-concert at The Packinghouse Church in Redlands. Worship was awesome. Hanging out with my friend was awesome. And, meeting Sara Groves was AWESOME! For any of you mommys out there who don't know who she is, Sara has a must-have cd for mommy's called "Station Wagon." You can only buy it on her website. Check it out at She also has a new Christmas cd out that I had her sign. I am so looking forward to playing it, but I will force myself to wait until after Thanksgiving.
      Have a blessed day!!!!


    1. Awesome time!!!!!! I was livin' it with you as I read!! :-)

    2. What an uplifting blog! I'm glad your day ended well!

    3. Don't know HOW you scored so many FREE things in one day, let alone how you scored that much FREE time!!! Sounds like a great day!! :)
