Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A few of my favorite things...

I am proud to announce that we are fully decorated and loving the Christmas feel of our house. I tried to take pictures, but really couldn't capture the feel of it all together. So, I decided just to share with you a few of my favorite things...

This nativity set my mom got for us a few years back, and I think it is so cool! Very modern, and beautiful!

These star ornaments are also from my mom... engraved on each one is a word that represents what Christ gave to us at Christmas: "hope," "peace," "love," and my favorite, "joy." I simply tied each ornament to a brown ribbon and hung them from the curtain rod. They look awesome in our dining room, though you can't tell from my poor picture!

This Christmas tree is yet another item from my mom... but this one she hand made! Believe it or not, these are Allison's baby food jars! She spray painted the lids silver, and cut a hole in each one. She then wove white Christmas lights through it, and stuffed each jar with tinsel. When it is lit up at night, it really looks gorgeous! Thanks, mom! :)

Last, but not least... every year since 1997 I have grown either paper whites or chrysanthemums every Christmas. It started as a Christmas present from my aunt and uncle who now live in Michigan, and since it is so easy and looks so pretty and smells so good, I do them every year! I mostly prefer the paper whites, because their smell is so powerful and wonderful. Allison had a blast watering them and watching them grow last year. Hopefully, Natalie will be old enough to appreciate them this year, as well!

1 comment:

  1. I love your decorations. I need to post mine. I'm going to steal your window idea!
