Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daniel!

It's my Sweetheart's birthday, today! We have a running joke that he always returns the gifts that I give him. Well, not this year! I finally did it... I finally not only got him something he likes, but I surprised him. He had no clue about his "office." He had been mentioning off and on for some time how nice it would be to have an office. Of course, our 3 bedroom home doesn't have an extra room, but we do have a lot of space. So, I began to ponder. And, this is what I came up with....

First, I had the girls work on a sign for him. The idea was to have them cut out letters from a magazine spelling "Papa's office" and glue them onto a piece of paper. Apparently, they are a bit too young for this concept, but they did have fun cutting and gluing a special picture for Papa!

And, now for the "office..."
Here it is:

Technically, it's in the family room, but as you can see it's right next to the kitchen, directly across from my "computer / office." It's also right next to his filing drawer, (the bottome left white drawer), which is perfect. Do you like his "mail holder?" It's actually an Ikea pot lid rack, but it works great for mail, too! Allison has already written Papa several letters, and put them in there.

Here it is with Daniel's laptop on it. I had to run an errand, and was so happy to come home and see it already in use!



  1. Love it. Can you come and organize my house?

  2. Great idea!!! I love the colors.

  3. You are so thoughtful!! It looks wonderful and modern and creative! And "Yeah" on the surprise factor!
