Friday, September 25, 2009

Oak Glen

We finally made it to Oak Glen... only to find out that this was a bad year for apples, and they only allow you to pick on weekends. We had one sad 4 year old, who kept declaring that her parents had broken their promise. **tear**

Alas, we found a great lunch spot where the girls enjoyed some apple cider, as well as a fun game of hide-and-seek. They also got to see "Johnny Appleseed" make some fresh cider, taste test different apples, and watch some petting zoo animals. As usual, I loved just being in the mountains... so refreshing! It's amazing what a difference a 30 minute drive can make! Here are a few pictures:


  1. So sorry you didn't get to pick apples! But I'm glad you found some fun things to do.

  2. Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere. Sooooo happy!
