Saturday, October 17, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Today is the last of Daniel's 4 days off... **sigh** But, we've had a great time! Pump it Up, Chuck E. Cheese, Disneyland, a birthday party, and MOPS... Can you see why I said no to the pumpkin patch today? :) (Besides, it was too hot!) But, we enjoyed a family day, got some cleaning done, and had church tonight. I am honestly looking forward to having nothing on the schedule!

I included a picture from Disneyland, which was all decorated for fall. It was truly an awesome day! Few crowds, beautiful weather, and all decked out in orange. I feel very blessed that our girls are such troopers when we go. Despite the lack of naps, or sometimes waiting in line, they are just so happy to be there that it makes it quite enjoyable for all of us! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend~

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute picture. You are almost there, not long before the baby is here.
