Monday, December 14, 2009

Let it Snow!

Today was supposed to be date day for Papa and the girls... But, after all the rain we had this past weekend, we decided to make it family day and headed up the mountain to see the snow, instead! First Daniel took the girls to get some boots while I went to my 6 week Dr. appointment. (I'm now cleared to exercise, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!)

We found a great little spot, though the snow was a little icy, already.
Sierra was bundled up and slept the entire time in the Bjorn.
Allison was set on making a snowman, though the snow didn't cooperate very well.

Ok, so we had to take her out for one snow shot. Isn't she the most adorable bundle of pinkness?

The finished snow queen... needs no words!

I just love living 35 minutes away from THIS!!

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