Monday, December 7, 2009

Taking Inventory...

It's a cold rainy day and we are stuck inside... I couldn't be happier! WHY?
  1. I LOVE the rain!
  2. The girls are sick, so we'd be stuck inside, anyway.
  3. The candles are burning, Christmas lights glowing, and Christmas music blasting!
Does it get any cozier? Granted, I would love for my girls to feel better. But, they still enjoy their crafts and games! (And, a few extra videos!) I found this idea on Chasing Cheerios:

I gave the girls each a clipboard and a picture list of items in the house, such as windows, doors, etc. They had to go to each room, and put a stamp for every item they found.

When they were done, they came in the kitchen and we counted up all the stamps. I "dotted" the number Allison counted, and she traced it. Overall, the girls had a lot of fun with this activity! (And, it gave me some time to empty the dishwasher!)

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