Monday, March 1, 2010

Computer Kids

If you're wondering why I'm having a harder time blogging every day lately, here's why: I now have TWO girls who can use the computer on their own! So, I let Allison use mine while Natalie uses the kids computer... Yikes! How did this happen? It is really quite dangerous. I had to start setting the timer for them because I realized if I didn't they could be there all day! Today was a computer-free day, and we will probably need many more of these in the future! (I must confess, though... if I need some time to myself, it is awesome that my girls have an independent activity that can distract them for a while!) They're growing up WAY too fast!


  1. Is that the webkinz site I'm spotting? Ellie LOVES Webkinz. I let her use the computer about 30 minutes a day -- great little quiet time since she doesn't nap anymore. She also likes spout's website and barbie. Good tip on starting the timer. I'll have to start doing that.

  2. She has got the cutest smile! I think I must say that every week about your girls... but they really do! So glad there is a fun new quiet time activity for the gals so you can get a moment or two of rest :)

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  3. Holly -- I think she's actually on Playhouse Disney there! I've never heard of Webkinz or Spouts. I'm sure she'll be excited to try those! Thanks for the tip!

    Emily -- you are too sweet! Thanks for the kind and encouraging comments! We truly are "too blessed to stress!" :)
