Monday, June 14, 2010

Origami Offering Box

Our children's program at church has a special offering designation for the summer called "Project Pollito." The money raised will be used to help purchase baby chicks for an impoverished community in Baja, Mexico. The first week already passed with me forgetting to give the girls money... (oops!) In order for us, (me), to remember, I decided to do a meaningful Monday project. Thinking back to my childhood, I remembered how to make origami "balloons," and thought they would work perfectly for special "banks." The girls put chicky stickers on them, and then got right to work o projects to earn coins to put in them. (You can see how this is a win-win situation all around!) Tonight as I was nursing Sierra, I came out to find the big girls with their jammies on, teeth brushed, and they had folded and put away an entire basket of laundry that was on their floor. Hooray for Project Pollito! You can find instructions on how to make your own origami balloons here. (They are really quite simple!)

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