Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good Friends, Good Food, Good Day!

Today we spent the day with a sweet friend, and probably overstayed our welcome! We arrived after breakfast and went home after dinner. As we were leaving, Allison commented, "I wish we could stay longer." Awww.... Here is a picture of all the kiddos after their swim!

Look at this lunch! Steak and chicken sandwiches with grilled veggies for the adults... rainbow muffin tins for the kiddies, (inspired by Muffin Tin Mama)! We are so spoiled to have friends who love to bless us!

Dessert followed theme... rainbow cupcakes!

The kids played so well together! Here they are dong a little karaoke. This was already past my girls' bedtime!

Thanks again for the wonderful day, M!

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