Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Guessing Game, a Recipe, and a Day!

Can you guess what this is?

I'll give you a hint... They were used to make this:

They are SOY BEANS! And that liquid, of course, is homemade soy milk. Daniel had seen a demonstration of how to make fresh soy milk at Costco, and the Vita-mix man gave him this recipe. It is SO simple, and my newest love! (It's cheap, too!)
  • 1/2 cup dry soy beans
  • 3 cups boiling water
  • 4 TBSP sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Mix on high for 5 minutes. Turn off, and add 2 cups ice or cold water. Mix on low 2 minutes, and you're done. Of course, I had to make some cookies to go with it... especially after a day like today!

My girls are tired. Very tired. A month of birthday celebrations, swim lessons, VBS, play dates, normal life, no naps, and waking up at 5:30am because of their baby sister; Mom's tired, too. :) Tonight I experienced the drama of it all. Luckily, I had Bible Study this morning, and it was so appropriate for me today! What normally would probably feel overwhelming, was more of a laughing situation for me. Three girls all crying at once... (And, I mean CRYING!) After not seeing Daniel since Sunday night, it will take a lot of will-power not to throw the girls at him when he pulls up tomorrow!

Honestly, I am still smiling when I think about it. (Of course, I just ate a couple yummy cookies oozing with chocolate, and had my yummy soy milk -- that always helps!) How blessed I am!

  • I am so thankful that this is a rare occasion -- so rare, I decided to blog about it!
  • I am so thankful that my girls go to bed early, and I have had the entire evening to bake cookies, blog, and veg in front of HGTV!
  • I am so thankful that my husband has a job that allows me to be home so I know exactly what causes these dramatic days!
  • I am so thankful that the reason for the tears was my girls all wanting to sit on my lap by themselves at the same time... oh, how precious!
  • I am especially thankful for God's grace and wisdom in parenting. SO many times I question myself... am I doing what's right as a parent? God, are you sure you chose the right mom for these girls? And my God answers me... Yes. His grace is sufficient for me.
  • I am THANKFUL to be a wife, mommy, and daughter of the King!


  1. rough week over here. your post made me smile!

  2. So did you throw the girls at Daniel? ;) I'm glad God gave you the ability to laugh during a very trying day! I'm also glad you blogged about... it's always nice to know other moms struggle too. It makes me feel more normal.

  3. Thanks for the comments, M and K! You guys made me smile! Today was a new day, and I resisted throwing the kids at Daniel this morning! (Once again, only by God's grace!)
