Thursday, September 2, 2010

10 Months Old...

Ok, Grandma... here is the adorable face! Now I know you're coming! Check out those curls! If only you could hear the sweet babble. She loves saying ball and Mama! She's 10 months old, today.

Unfortunately, she celebrated by giving her sisters a present -- the flu! It's been the wost flu the Yeh girls have experienced, and I am praying that it doesn't hit me tonight! Natalie actually didn't feel sick until bedtime, but miraculously fell asleep. So, I need to go join her in dreamland. Please pray the rest of us are spared! I will be missing my first day of MOPS tomorrow. And, we'll miss a weekend in a cabin up at Lake Gregory with awesome friends. I am SO bummed! But, at least grandma is coming, soon! :)

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