Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Day at the Fair

Would you believe me if I told you that today was my first time going to the LA County Fair? I've only lived here 13 years now... Wow, have I missed out! Believe it or not, it was my husband's first time to any fair... and he's lived here 28 years! I feel so privileged to be the one to take him for the first time. I think he was more excited than the girls and is already planning a trip back!

Baby chickies. Soon to be...

I think it's so fun that we've already read Charlotte's Web. I want to read it again now that the girls have been to a fair!

I think Sierra would've been content playing in the hay area all day!

This was probably the largest petting zoo I've ever experienced, complete with calves and everything!

I can't believe they let the kids milk goats! Look closely and you can even see the milk stream for Allison!

Daniel: "That rabbit's a little creepy. Is it in a book or something?"
Allison: "That's Peter Rabbit!"

Free chocolate milk... Just one of the many freebies we discovered. If you go online before coming, you can print out a coupon for free milk. We also got in free and had free parking by signing up for the kids discovery program. We also found out kids can write book reports to earn free ride tickets. You can easily spend a lot of money even with these promotions, so every little freebie helps!

Did I mention what a perfect day it was? Here we are waiting for the cow milking demonstration starting in 5 minutes, and as you can see there was nobody there! (People did come, but it was SO not crowded!) Besides the low attendance, the weather was amazing -- partly cloudy, mid-70's! It is often over 100 in September, so this was just an amazing gift!

Pony rockers!
Lasso practice... (reminded me of an episode of The Amazing Race!)

Allison rounding-up a calf!

Sierra consuming her first smoked turkey leg. She loved it! It was my first turkey leg, as well. Yum, yum!

Pig races were very cute! Chomping on a bag of kettle corn made them even more enjoyable :)

The only ride the girls really wanted to go on was the ferris wheel. Since we were the only ones, we got to go around several times; (which was good because it took Natalie a few times around to start to feel comfortable, smile, and loosen her grip on the safety bar!)

There were 3 awesome places for the kids that I wish we had more time to see...
  1. Princess palace
  2. Fairy Land
  3. Pirate's Cove
First we went to princess palace.

As you can see, they were able to dress-up, cook, clean...

...Even ride a carriage!

We made it to fairy land just in time to catch the animal show!

Daniel's favorite... a baby American Alligator!

We finished off the day with a ride on the 2-story carousel. The girls thought that was a special treat. If we had more time, I would have loved to see the girls ride in the balls on the water at the Pirate's cove! But, as it was we made it to soccer practice just in time! Daniel probably could have stayed until closing! Perhaps there will be another Fair post in the future.

1 comment:

  1. We've never been to the fair either! Now I REALLY want to go.
