Sunday, October 10, 2010


In honor of 10-10-10, I thought I'd give you 10 random pictures recently taken...

1. Halloween is in full swing around here. We spent the other day making Halloween cards.

2. Here is our mantle all decked-out. (Pretty much the same as last year!)

3. I love this guy...but I prefer his squinty eyes. :) (Is that pc?)

4. I think the girls all agree... he's pretty much the coolest dad, ever!

5. We caught a couple moths mating on our lemon tree! (Hence, I had to explain "mating" to the girls!)

6. We took family pictures yesterday. So, you'll probably see the girls in their new outfits every day for the next month, because I can't peel them off!

7. This girl and her giggle have me wrapped around her finger!

8. I love, love, love how close these two sisters are. PRECIOUS!

9. THIS is the reason I cannot wait for little Sierra to start walking. Her poor pants!

10. I love this dog. And, I love this baby. And, I love cool evenings playing outside after dinner with them and their sisters.

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