Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Most Important Photo Tip You'll Ever Need...

Here it is. Are you ready? Ok, here you go....


EVERY picture you are about to see was taken today by Natalie. I was absolutely blown-away when I got home and downloaded them. We are about to purchase an SLR camera, and I think I may have to let Natalie use our old camera; (supervised, of course!)

There you have it. Don't you agree that she is amazing? Honestly, I published almost all her pictures...

We had SO much fun walking around Claremont today and taking pictures. I can't believe how fast time flew by. I cannot tell you how special Tuesdays have become, and how I cherish this time with my two littler ones. (Of course, I would love for Allison to join us, but I know she is having a blast, as well.)

Week 1 we indulged in pumpkin turnovers from SOme Crust. Week 2, we tried pumpkin smoothies from Jamba Juice, as it was a hot day. (They were YUMMY!) Today we went with the good old pumpkin spice latte and a spider web cookie; back to Some Crust! And now, here are some pictures of the adorable 3-year-old photographer:


  1. Wow!! She has the eye of an artist :) I may have to take you up on your advice and see what happens here! Love seeing your sweet family - Happy October!!

  2. Beautiful family! Fun to see what caught the 3 year old's eye! I came by way of the pumpkin bread in the can.
    Loved that idea, too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I agree! Your daughter definitely has an artist's eye! I've been giving my 5-year old the camera since she was 3 and have always really been impressed by what she captures. Their minds are so much more open and unbiased when taking photographs, so the images look less contrived.
