Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bikes, Bubbles, Beach Baseball, Boxing, and... a Marble Run

We had a fun, fun day with our good friends. From 9:ooam until almost 4:00pm, the kids played without fighting. For that reason alone, it was a dream of a day! (More like a miracle!) Most of the day was spent outside running around. It began with bikes and snail hunts...

Poor Sierra was left behind in the dust. Fortunately, she didn't mind a bit. She had a blast running around and trying to follow along.

Instead of poor Sierra, I should say poor snails. We took the advice of Karen who commented on a previous post that I could paint the shells....

I don't think she meant to drown them in paint. Anyway, they were soon squashed as we played bubbles next.

Honestly, I was shocked at how long they could play bubbles. Perhaps it was because it's the first of the season. I almost suggested another activity after about 30 minutes, but then I thought... "Why interupt a good thing?"

Once again, Sierra was perfectly content to just play in the puddles. She was even more excited when she found this triangle stamp to use!

I couldn't take pictures of all our games of tag, because I was mostly "it." Who needs a gym membership with boys around?

Before going in for lunch, we played, "beach baseball." Basically, baseball with a beach ball and tennis racket. Hey, you gotta use what you have! Personally, I think it's a lot more fun. With the big ball, the kids get a hit 95% of the time!

The kids played a little Wii before lunch. I had to laugh at the next picture. Poor T was not happy about getting knocked out in boxing by a girl. I let him know she beats her daddy, too!

After lunch, it was time to build our marble run. (What else do you do when Grandma brings you a bag of tp rolls? -- love you, Mom! :) ) Actually, the inspiration for this project came from Frugal Family Fun. Allison was my tape girl. Of course, I don't actually have any marbles, so bouncy balls had to do.

I don't think the kids minded a bit!

The finished project turned out pretty cool. The kids played with it over, and over, and over, and... you get the idea!

Here Natalie and D are testing out one phase of it. Overall, it was an awesome day. But now -- I am exhausted!!


  1. Glad you tried painting the snails! I LOVE the marble run. Brenson is all about marbles - trying to start a collection - and a marble run would be awesome. I'll have to start collecting TP rolls. ;)

  2. Karen, I totally thought of you with the marble run. I think we are done with it now, so I can bring it to you for a starting run... along with the rest of our tp rolls. (We have quite a few!) Let me know!
