Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green, Gold, Shamrocks, and Rainbows

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
(Almost) every night at dinner, we play the "Highlights, Lowlights" game. Let me play it with you now:

Highlight: The girls were so excited to wake-up to a special table with Lucky Charms.

Highlight: We printed the true story of St. Patrick, as well as this fun maze from Family Fun, and then laminated them back-to-back for fun placemats.

Lowlight: Natalie felt too sick to eat her Lucky Charms. She had a high fever! (Instead, she drank her green smoothie!)

Highlight: Our wonderful neighbors brought us chocolate shamrocks from their trip to Ireland over Christmas. I didn't have any green candles, so I wrapped a green sticker around the white one, and I think it was even cuter than a green candle!

Highlight: These fun "I'm so lucky to have you" printables from the ladies at 1825.

Highlight: I used a heart cookie cutter to cut some shamrocks from green rice krispy treats... BIG hit!

Highlight: We shared some rainbow goldfish with our friends.

Highlight: We did a rainbow science experiment with Papa about density. You can find the experiment here.

Lowlight: The experiment flopped.... the colors all ran together and we had a sugary glass of brown liquid.

Highlight: Papa re-did the experiment with more concentrated proportions of sugar, and we got our beautiful rainbow!

Highlight: Coloring a leprechaun page and doing other fun activities for "school."

Highlight: snack time

Highlight: Getting rid of more conversation hearts! (I greatly dislike having leftover candy from holidays past).

Lowlight: Natalie's fever spiked to 106.6, and I took her straight to Urgent Care. Thankfully, it is coming down... she still doesn't feel good. Poor baby.

Overall, I think the highligts far outnumber the lowlights. What a fun day!


  1. So sorry to hear about Natalie being sick... AGAIN! 106 is scary! You guys have definitely been pummeled by the sickies this year. :( But I'm glad your highlights outnumbered the lows!
