Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quakes Game

Today I was on packing duty while Sierra napped and Daniel was on Big Kid duty! I was a little jealous that I missed the girls' first ever "real" baseball game, but happy to get some packing done!
I absolutely love our little hometown team the Quakes. The games are so fun, rarely crowded, and just seem more enjoyable than the major leagues.

I told the girls Papa might get them an ice cream sandwich... (Apparently they had nachos and other treats, as well. No wonder they weren't that hungry at dinner!)

At this particular game, the kids got to run the bases at the end. Natalie opted not to, but Allison did great!

This summer, I was totally going to do the "bucket list" I've seen all over other blogs. But, alas, this move has taken precedence. If I had done a bucket list, going to a Quakes game would have been on it. At least now I can cross that one off for this summer!

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