Friday, August 5, 2011

Grandma Turns 60!

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we just got back from a very special trip up north to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday! We arrived around midnight on her actual birthday, and didn't see her until the next morning. As tired as the girls were, they woke-up early and found Grandma!

The first order of business was to have Grandma open her gift... a new outfit, (shown above), to wear for pictures with her granddaughters.

Now you see why they love their Grandma so much... she's so much fun! Here they are dancing away while waiting for pictures.

Right after pictures, it was off to a Tea House with her two oldest granddaughters. I took Sierra home, figuring she might be a little crazy at a small tea house!

They had a lovely time and especially loved their cucumber sandwiches! At one point, Natalie looked at Grandma and asked, "Do you think we could call each other 'darling?'"

Back home, my husband and my brother spent the day in the kitchen preparing food...

Only the best for grandma... incredible grilled chicken, grilled lamb chops, burgers with meat my brother ground fresh, and the most AMAZING salad -- some special grilled cheese, cantaloupe, basil, olive oil, and pepper. It was incredible!

Mom and her best friend Gabie -- they are just 2 days apart!

I love this shot -- look at the two cooks checking in unison!

We played one little game; "How well do you know Erica?"

Perfect weather. Incredible food. Super nice company. It was a lovely day. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful mom.

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