Sunday, December 4, 2011

Life Blows On...

We came home from the hospital to two trees down in our backyard... one of them being my favorite pine tree. :( Apparently, the winds were super bad that night! My husband spent most of yesterday cleaning up the trees as well as the pool. Unfortunately, the winds are suppose to be back tomorrow... blows on! But we are still...

... and still adjusting. Somehow, adjusting to life with little Malachi has been somewhat easier than with previous newborns. Of course, I have my mom and husband who are absolutely wonderful! I have my incredible friends bringing meals and blessing us in so many ways! But, it's more than that... Knowing that God answers prayers, I made my prayers for this little one more specific than before. I prayed for a good sleeper and a good eater; and that's what we got! (At least so far; I know he's not even a week old, yet!)

The hardest part for me is asking for help and taking it easy. But, I have been doing just that and actually feel rested! I think God is trying to teach me something. The other hard part is not being able to hold Sierra. Last night I had a rough time listening to her cry in her crib, and just prayed that the Holy Spirit would work for me. I forget that these are His kids! He comforted her, and she fell back asleep. This may be my fourth child, but I still have lots to learn!

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