Monday, February 20, 2012

Busy Crafting...

Can you think of anything more fun to be busy with? Here's a hint of what I'm doing... it involves this:

Of course, even with the coffee it's a little slow-going. I find things like diaper cream mixed in with my bobbins...

I trip over dolls and such...

I peak back at this little one to make sure she's still on this side of the railing...
(I even let her skip her nap today to watch me sew! I felt like Mother of the Year until she threw her roll-on-the-floor-because-I'm-so-exhausted tantrum at Michael's)

But, I wouldn't have it any other way! I even have my grandmother's sewing basket: (LOVE!)

Ok, time to get back to work. The Littles are asleep, the house is quiet, and it's me time! Now, where is that coffee?

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