Monday, April 27, 2009

Homemade Bathtub Paints

Oh, so much fun. This is a recipe I have wanted to do for a long time! So simple... and, yet I kept forgetting to buy clear liquid dish soap from the grocery store or Target. Well, I finally remembered and the girls were nice and filthy and ready for a long bath! So, this is what I found:

  • easy to make
  • worked very well
  • the girls had a blast!
  • clean-up caused there to be a ton of bubbles...(What kid doesn't like bubbles?)
  • clean-up caused there to be a ton of bubbles...(What mom wants to cleanup all those bubbles?)
  • I'm not sure this is one I want to do all that often, just because I wonder how "healthy" for their skin it is to sit in all that dish soap... not sure?
Conclusion: Pro's outweigh the cons, and we will definitely do this again... someday!

Here's the recipe for you to try:

1/3 cup clear liquid dish soap
1 Tbsp. corn starch
food coloring.

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