Sunday, April 26, 2009

Whole Wheat Pizza

My friend, Melissa, blogged a while back about how she lost 10 lbs. eating pizza... Ok, so that's not exactly how it went! But, she did inspire me to try a whole wheat pizza crust rather than my normal white flour recipe. Not only was it fun to branch out, but I thought it was delicious! And, what makes your house smell better? (Perhaps brownies for dessert, but let's not go there!)

I always love pizza because I know it's a meal my girls will eat without a fuss. Unfortunately, Natalie did notice the difference and only ate half a piece, but Allison loved it and gobbled it down! Natalie has just been super picky the last few months, anyway.

So, you're wondering how to make it yourself? Or, how to lose those 10 lbs? Check it out here. Thanks for the inspiration, Melissa!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you liked it. I make it every week. Just made some last night. I added some chicken and it was great! I need a good pizza sauce recipe though.
