Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Details, Part 1: Decorations

Would you believe I found this frame at a garage sale the week before Allison's birthday!?!?

I was going to use real tea cups, but when my husband found out he rushed to the store for some plastic ones. What was I thinking?!?!? Allison "decorated" them with princess stickers, along with Natalie and Grandma!
All the fabrics I got at Jo Ann's on sale over Memorial weekend. Sweet Allison "helped" me iron them with her mini iron and ironing board. She also commented, "Mom, thank you so much for buying me such pretty fabrics!" So sweet. Napkins and plates and streamers and balloons came from the good old dollar store!

Guess what else I found at that garage sale? This giant "A!" (Painted the perfect colors!) Pretty cool finds, huh?!?! Oh, and the picture was edited on Picnik, (See this post), which is how I got the black and white along with some color!

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