Monday, May 3, 2010

Meaningful Monday

Helping get dinner ready to bring to friends

A couple of months ago as I was praying about homeschooling and wondering what to do, I suddenly had an idea. As you have probably noticed, our home preschools all revolve around a theme. Well, I sort of came up with a pneumonic "theme" for each day of the week. Each theme is a different "skill" I hope to teach my girls. I've been very excited about it, but hadn't started yet... for no reason... so I just decided to start today. Here they are:
  • Meaningful Monday: This stems from Phil. 2:2-3 "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others." The goal is to do something meaningful for someone else... write a snail mail letter, visit a nursing home, bring a meal, bake cookies, etc. (Today we brought a friend who just had a baby a meal and baked her cookies, and picked her some lavender).
  • Try it Tuesday: The goal here is obvious... to get the girls to try something new! This could be a food, a skill, or anything, really. Natalie is already excited to try a blackberry tomorrow, (something she has never wanted to try!)
  • Work on it Wednesday: Here we want to instill a work ethic... It could be work on organizing something, work on the garden, work on a particular skill such as handwriting, etc.
  • Think it through Thursday: You may remember this post on the conversation/ prayer jars we made at MOPS. My plan is to utilize this even further, and take time to pull out questions and prayers that make the girls really think and analyze.
  • Family Fun Friday: This, of course, is our fun day. Movie night. Game night. Wii night. Devotion night. Bike ride, walk around the block... whatever! I plan to have a special centerpiece, as well as paper plates at dinner so the girls recognize the significance of the day, and so that Daniel and I can spend that quality time as a family rather than doing dishes.
We'll see if I can keep this going, and how well it works. For now, I am totally excited... (Mostly because the girls are super excited!) I'll keep you posted!


  1. what a great idea. My goal is also to do some kind of preschool at home with my girls. They are 4 and 3 years old. I just had another little girl she is 5 weeks old. It has been hard to get going on preschool with the baby, but I plan to start soon. I admire all of the projects and activites you do with your girls. How do you do it with the baby? I love to stay busy and I am a total clean freak, but since baby Bella came along it has been hard. Any tips? I have been reading your blog for awhile,LOVE it!-Vickie

  2. You are SO creative! I'm glad that you are excited about your new venture... and that the girls are excited too! Looking forward to posts about all the learning going on at the Yeh house. :)

  3. Awww, thanks for the sweet comments!
    Karen -- I love your blog and adventures, too!
    Vickie -- it sounds like we have the same family make-up. How fun! I know I felt like I came out of a fog when Sierra was about 8 weeks, so hang in there! My only tips would be 1) Do it once a week with a friend so you have accountability, 2) Pick a theme and then google it and steal ideas, and 3) spend time with God and ask Him for ideas! I struggle with the third one, but that's where this particular post came from. I REALLY need to do that more often. Thanks again for your sweet comments! I'm honored that you enjoy the blog!

  4. oh what a fun idea!!! would you mind if i 'copied' it to incorporate into ellie's summer?

  5. You're so sweet, Holly! Of course I don't mind -- you don't have to ask! In fact, I want Allison to write Ellie a letter one of these days - maybe next Meaningful Monday?!? :)

  6. Cara, Cara, Cara!!! Only you! Only the AMAZING Cara Yeh would come up with this AMAZING idea! I'm That's all I can say, well, other than HI and I miss you! ;)

  7. I want to copy you too!!! :)
    I understand the fog you are speaking of...I am beginning to see things a little clearer and am ready to jump back into the swing of things! Our homeschool adventure took a screeching halt around January and we are excited to jump back in now that Derek is 10 weeks...
