Sunday, December 19, 2010

Natalie Turns 4!

Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet Natalie! What a FUN day with my precious girl.

It began, as usual, with the "under the bed" present. This was a special fairy sandbox NAtalie plays with at the Toy store every week when we go to Claremont. The one in the store on display is the Mermaid version, but Natalie wanted the Fairy one.

She was super excited, and so willing to share. I was really proud of her, today! Here she is playing with Allison while I got her brthday breakfast prepared.

I got this fun idea from my friend, Karen! Pancakes with the birthday girl's initial! (I used whole-wheat oatmeal pancakes, as I knew we were going to be having lots more junk food this day!)

She was especially excited to sit in the birthday chair! It was a fun start to the day. Stay tuned for the "ice cream party." I only have 212 pictures to sort through... yikes!


  1. Happy Birthday Natalie! I can't wait for you to post the party pictures, as I have only been waiting 3 months to see how it turned out. :-)

  2. Awww, thanks, Jennifer! I'll get to that ASAP!
