Friday, January 7, 2011

Daniel and Julia

Daniel and I don't get around to watching too many movies. However, this summer we rented "Julie and Julia," and thought it was pretty good, (other than the ending.) One thing I took from the movie was Daniel saying he wanted to try cooking beef bourgunion, (Julia's signature dish). You really can't watch that movie and not want to try something! Of course, to make it you need one of these:

A Dutch oven! I tucked that little nook of information away for Christmas time. I am always trying to collect ideas throughout the year, as I find my husband very difficult to shop for! Anyway, I was very excited when he not only was surprised by the gift, (a little early, as I didn't get it put away in time), but decided last night to give it a try!

The recipe was a little time-consuming, actually. First, the meat needed to marinate overnight in garlic and wine. (I'll wait while you wipe up the drool!) The next day, he had to stir-fry the meat and veggies, then cook for a couple hours. I don't think I've ever smelled anything so yummy cooking in our home as this!

And, here it is:

I cannot tell you how yummy it was! My husband is an awesome cook, but I think this was one of my favorite meals he's ever made! We had some kalmata olive bread to go with it, which was perfect! Merry Christmas... to me! :)

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