Thursday, January 6, 2011

Horse Foot Craft

Our theme for school this week is "H is for Horse." The girls love it, because they love horses. Daniel and I love it because of the verse that goes with it: "Children, obey your parents in EVERYTHING, for this pleases the Lord." Col. 3:20 Just like a well-trained horse, kids are to obey right away! (Hoping the message sinks in soon :) )

We made these horse puppets by first tracing the girls feet for the horse heads. (I got the foot-tracing idea from Busy Bee Kids Crafts). We used triangles and brads for the ears, and practiced our knot tying with the mane. The sticks where they wrote their names are actually tongue depressers from the doctor. I may have asked for a couple last time I was there!

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