Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Soaking it In

We have chickens. We really have chickens! We actually did it! Ok, ok.. I know I posted all about it, already. But... did you know we have chickens? (It's obviously still sinking in for me!) Today I was SO thankful for these little creatures. They provided such joy and entertainment for 3 little girls. Tonight I was not so thrilled when it took me an hour to clean their little box. My goodness, do they poop! But, it is absolutely worth it.

Alas, I could not let the girls spend the entire day in the garage when it looked like this outside:

So, we made some sand pies:

Rode our bikes: (Our girls will learn to ride their bikes before this summer without training wheels... it is one of our goals!)

Pulled out the chalk:

And hung some "new" toys on the swing set. I don't know why I hadn't thought of rotating our hanging fun before, but of course the old becomes new again when its been in the garage for a while! I will have to rotate more often.

And, we finished the day with friends over for dinner and our faux cream puffs, (recipe here).

I absolutely love this time change... long evenings when the kids can play outside after dinner!

And, I love all the signs of spring... the jasmine, the birds building their nests, baby chickies, blossoms on the trees, and even the little bunnies we've been spotting in our backyard, though I know they will be a nuisance once we find a place to put our garden. I am feeling so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, and I am trying hard to enjoy each moment and soak it all in.

1 comment:

  1. YOU HAVE CHICKENS!!! My 13 year old wants a chicken and wants to name him Fabio. Isn't that fabulous? Glad you had a great day!
