Saturday, November 27, 2010

One of Those Days

Don't they look so sweet? Playing with the Christmas "Little People" as I snap away... oh, if only!
  • Allison was exhausted; (could cry on a dime!),
  • Natalie was beat; (also easily drawn to tears, and whiny), and
  • Sierra was still recovering; (clingy to the point of being glued to my hip, and fussy).
Yes, this morning was rough. I won't go into details; I'd rather forget it, to be honest!

But, this afternoon things were looking up. We went to the park and Trader Joe's. Mama needed to get out of the house! On more than one occasion, the girls and I prayed for a "start-over." And, our gracious God gave us one each time! (To be honest, these are for me more than the girls!)

This evening, as I tucked them to bed, my heart just melted at their sweet hugs and kisses. Nobody fussed. The house became quiet, again. I am now ready for bed, and feel ready to take on another day, tomorrow! Thanksgiving is over, but this mom is feeling grateful for my 3 lifesavers today:
  1. Start-over prayers
  2. Nice weather making park trips doable
  3. worship music, which always puts me back in the right mind!
And, for my 3 bessings...
  1. Allison
  2. Natalie
  3. Sierra


  1. Oh, sweet Cara! I just love how, now matter how bad the day was, you always seem to end on a happy note - or die trying! Thanks for that.

  2. Awww, thanks Karen! Die trying -- that's for sure!
