Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and a Leftover Pie Filling Recipe!

So, now I am a day behind on my blogging... all because I couldn't resist posting about poop. Good thing we didn't finish our Christmas decorating today! I can post all the Christmas decorating tomorrow and be all caught-up!

Thanksgiving... was it really just yesterday? Oh, wait... just loosened my belt buckle! Yes, it must have been yesterday! We started the day making more pies; fresh blueberry! This was per Allison's request. Oh, friends. I have fallen in love! Both pies were absolutely incredible! We also made mini-pies for the girls to try at lunch. The girls loved them so much, they decided to make their own... out of play doh!

We also did a little coloring page and maze from Family Fun at lunch time...

For our mashed potatoes, we used a recipe from Allison's cooking class for roasted garlic mashed potatoes. She was SO proud that we used one of her recipes! At this point, we hadn't even put the turkey in the oven, yet, but with pies and roasted garlic already baked, you can just imagine how yummy this house smelled!

Allison also wanted to help by peeling potatoes. By all means! (Unfortunately, she was 'done' after just one potato!)

Family arrived around 4:00pm. The big girls were so excited! They just love having people over... and they love their family! (Sierra was at day 4 of her fever, and not very fun. We ended up putting her to bed at 5:00pm, and she slept until 5:45am this morning... with no more fever!)

Everything was wonderful, and we had a lovely Thanksgiving! We even headed to bed early, and enjoyed a full night's rest!

And now... what do you do with leftover pumpkin pie filling? I debated that, myself! I couldn't bring myself to throw it away, so instead...

We used it to make french toast this morning! I figured it has lots of cream and eggs: why not?? It turned out pretty yummy! Not as 'pumpkinny' as one might think, but very good!

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