Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

I'll never forget my first Chinese New Year with Daniel. My parents were in town visiting, so they came along to Daniel's parents' place for the feast. I believe it may have been the first time our parents met?!?! (Obviously, I don't remember it all!) But, what I do remember was the food. And more food. And more food. There. was. so. much. food.

As the saying goes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! It is now our turn to prepare Chinese New Year. I say "our," but really my only job is to entertain the kids while Daniel does all the work. He is so amazing! Here's a run-down: shrimp, lobster noodles, clams, tofu, veggies, pork, beef, lamb, and duck. Unfortunately, the salmon didn't defrost in time, so we decided to save it. Ha! These people know how to feast!

I love that my girls just want to be wherever the action is! IT was so exciting for them to color on little tables in the living room while waiting for family to arrive. And, I love family together times. I feel so blessed to have married into a family I love so much!

Did I mention there was a lot of food?

Our newest nephew, baby Elias. He's a cutie!

And, it was Carol's birthday! (Not to mention, Groundhog's day, but we skipped over that one this year!) What a beautiful sister-in-law I have! And, what a celebration!

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