Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Kangaroo Craft and a Verse

This week, "K is for kangaroo!" I found the template for these cute Kangaroo pencil holders here. However, we decided to use ours as snack holders, instead!

Just as a joey, (baby kangaroo), is safe in it's mommy's pouch, we too are safe in God's "pouch." Therefore, the verse for this week is Psalm 4:8. "I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, oh Lord, make me dwell in safety." (I don't pick the verses, I just get them from our curriculum!)

You know what's amazing about that? Two months ago, when my girls were at their worst point in not sleeping, my friend gave me this verse to memorize. I prayed it over the girls, and kept thinking, "I need to have them memorize this!" Of course, with the busyness of Christmas, I completely forgot about it... until now!

The girls are doing much better with their sleeping. (Not perfect, but light years ahead of where they were!) Last night they had a little anxiety at bedtime, but when I brought up the verse, they smiled and went right to sleep... I kid you not!

I've also set aside Mondays to fast and pray for them. I hate to say it, but I really needed their lack of sleep to remind me of the importance of doing that. I wish I didn't need reminders! I'm sure I will become lazy again some day, and God will give me yet another reminder to fast and pray for them. For now, I am so thankful for peaceful rest!

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