Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of School 2011

August 8.... far too early to be the first day of school! But, let me back-up a day. Yesterday, as promised, we had a little "starting school craft." The girls made these memory verse holders for their desks, inspired by one of our past MOPS projects.

And, below you will see it all done on their desks. It is so simple; a piece of wood with a slat for a metal sheet and a magnet. The girls will be writing their weekly verse on a card, and sticking it on there! I'll show you more of their desk areas once they're complete. We're getting closer, and I'm loving it!

If you didn't know any better, you may have thought it was Christmas in our house this morning. The girls came running down stairs SO absolutely ecstatic to start school. It was almost impossible to get breakfast made, and I was probably asked 20 times when we were going to start before I could eat 3 bites of my pancake!

I put a tray at each place setting for the girls, and made them pose in front of their desks for their first day of school pictures. You may notice Allison lost her 6th tooth the day before and I am loving her toothless grin!

I attempted to make a "1" pancake for my first grader, and a "k" pancake for my kindergartener, and an apple pancake for my toddler.

We started the minute breakfast was over. I didn't take many pictures of our work, because I didn't want to bore you... but I will say, Sierra poses a bit of a challenge! Here the girls are coloring with heras I am getting something ready.

The girls were thrilled to use their new desks, and to find some new scissors and markers in their drawers!

For our snack, I stayed up late last night making apple Oreo pops. They were something I pinned on Pinterest a while back, and was so excited to try. I didn't exactly follow the directions, (ok not at all), nor did I exactly copy the ingredients, but you can find the tutorial HERE.

For some reason, I couldn't figure out why Sierra was asking for an apple all morning. We happened to have one apple, so I cut it up and gave it to her, but I found apple pieces stuffed in a random cup, put in a game box, and chewed up and spit on the floor. Apparently I had given her the wrong apple -- DUH! I finally realized what she was asking for, and was at least proud she recognized they were suppose to be apples! We all enjoyed 2 -- including myself. (They are way too yummy!)
Overall, it was a fun first day of school! I will be quite sad when the girls finally realize what school is, and lose their excitement. I am working hard to make sure that doesn't happen any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your first day went so well. And those desks.... CUTE!!! I can't wait to visit your house again and see all you've done to it in person.
