Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good Evening!

Where to begin, where to begin... I'll begin by saying "oops." I discovered on Tuesday that our homeschooling doesn't "officially" start until August 18; (since we use a charter school, and that is their official first day). Never-the-less, the girls are still excited about school every morning, so I decided to just keep going with it. After all, being ahead of the game never hurt anyone, right?

At the same time, it is still summer, so we are still in the pool every afternoon and on the playground every evening. The girls just love driving their pirate ship to 'New Mexico,' (wherever that came from), and 'decorating' it with leaves and flowers!

Tonight we ate fudgsicles as we played, and just enjoyed the amazing coolness. It has felt more like October this past week than August with overcast mornings, warm afternoons, and cool evenings. I am LOVING this weather!

I didn't know where to begin, and now I don't know where to end... I could ramble on and on about the joy and contentment I am feeling. I look at these pictures and just beam with pride. How blessed am I to be here, and to have girls who appreciate it, and are doing so well with school! I know it's just week one -- but I am feeling super blessed!

I'm looking forward to many more evenings like this one... summer dresses, bare feet, cool weather, joyful giggles, and fudgsicles.

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