Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Painted Card Holder

You may recall THIS post, where I begged subtly asked my mom to make me a card holder for special occasions. You may also recall from THIS post, that she is incredibly talented at painting, and already made us the most wonderful birthday chair, ever! Now, just imagine my excitement when my girls were talking to Grandma on the phone, then casually mentioned to me that Grandma was busy painting my birthday present. I told myself to act surprised if it was a card holder, and to not be disappointed if it wasn't a card holder, but I could hardly contain myself. And, just look at this:

She did it! I was so excited! And, I love that she made it her own. She totally designed it with her own unique style. It's so special, I can hardly wait to have it together with the birthday chair.

Thank you, Mom! (Consider this your thank you card. :) )

1 comment:

  1. That is very very cool! What a talented momma you've got... now I know where YOU get it. :)
